
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Make Your Home SHINE in Only a Little Time!

  It's Tuesday- we had a CRAZY, busy weekend, and the house-work was completely neglected!!!  I try to do a little here and there, but let's face it- with 4 kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and a husband (my 5th child) I don't accomplish much!  I thought I would clean it all up Monday, but I kept getting side-tracked and distracted.... SO-  Here we are!!  In a tornado- zone house with kids and animals running amuck!  I can't believe I'm actually gonna show you this mess-  brace yourself!

    Ok!  I told you it was BAD!!!  Ugh!  So- now I know you're thinking that this mess will take all day to clean, but I'm here to tell you that I will whip this place back into order in only 1 hour!!! Here's what I do:
*Make a To-Do List *
*Set your kitchen timer for 1 hour & GET BUSY!!!

  I have only been cleaning for 27 minutes and look at my progress!


    Don't get discouraged if you have to stop a million times to kiss boo-boos, fix a broken toy, help with a potty-break, change a diaper..........
                                                 ....... or get the puppy out of the dishwasher. *sigh*

   Only 27 seconds left!!! Lets see what I managed to accomplish!!!  (I swear- this is only 1 hour worth of steady cleaning!!!)

  While I didn't accomplish everything on my list, I did manage to make a HUGE dent in it!!!  And it only took 1 measly hour!!!!  Now to make lunch!!! :)

   These guys don't seem to mind Mama taking an hour to get some work finished!!!

See y'all later!!! Have a BLESSED day!!! 




Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fancy Lil' Frames

  Ok- How many of you love those fancy, boutique picture frames, but don't wanna pay $30- sometimes $40 for them?  If this is you, hang around!!!
      I love dressing up everything, and that includes my family pictures!!  A dolled-up frame just adds something to your décor, doesn't it?!?  This is an easier craft that won't overwhelm you if you're just starting! 
      Here's what you'll need:
*a good quality frame
*some acrylic paint & paint brush
*a hot glue gun with glue (I use a high temp one for this because it holds better)
*embellishments (ribbon, too, if you want) 
Ready?  Ok- lets get started! 

    Take you frame backing off and glass out.  Then sand the entire frame with fine grit sandpaper.  This helps the paint stick.

  Next apply a thin coat of white paint as a primer.  This always makes whatever color you're applying look it's best.

  Let this dry completely before you apply your paint.  If you're like me sometimes and get antsy having to wait, you'll regret it!!!  I have ruined many by jumping the gun and getting ahead.  The paint gets all clumpy and... trust me- just let it dry!  *smile*

  Now that the primer is dry you can get to the fun part!!!  Paint the ENTIRE frame in your final choice of paint.  I work in batches since I usually do several frames at once.  Paint the top- let that dry.  Then the sides- let that dry, so you'll be able to hold the frame without damaging the rest.  Finally paint the back.  ***Little tip I learned the hard way***  When painting with acrylic paint- always keep a glass of water handy to moisten your brush.  Good quality acrylic paint dries super fast and will sometimes do just that before you're ready!  So just moisten the tip of your brush as you paint, and you'll be fine.  ;)

  This is gonna be messy work (at least it is for me), but this paint comes off super easy!!! No worries!

Finish all your frames and let this coat dry COMPLETELY before trying to touch the frames!!! Also really hard for me to do because I am one of those people that wants everything to hurry along!  I'm a "Get & Doer"  not a "Sit & Stew'er"!!!  Have you ever heard of that?  Anyways, get up and wash out your brushes, clean up your mess, heat up your glue gun-  Just DO NOT rush this step!
  When your paint is completely dry, you can re-assemble the frames. 

  And this is my FAVORITE part- adding all the frills!!!  For this particular order, a customer asked for only an embellishment on a few and a bow on one, but you can add whatever suits your fancy.  ;)
I always mark my center, apply a generous amount of hot glue (and again- I use a high temp glue gun for this because I don't want this stuff falling off later when you're cleaning them or moving them around.)  If you don't have one, you could use your regular glue gun, but just be careful when you handle your frame. 

  Let the glue cool, and there you have some simply ADORABLE frames that will add a little sass to your home décor!  I hope this helps y'all!  If you have any questions, just comment below!!! Thanks!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

What's "A Little Sass & All the Frills"?

  Hey y'all!  I guess I'll tell y'all a little bit about myself for my Very FIRST Blog Post!  Eeeeeek! Ok- enough of that!  ;) My name is Stevie Jo Stump, and I'm 28 years old.  I am married to a wonderful man, and we have 4, yes FOUR, beautiful children!

We live in Eva, AL, where my husband works as a machinist, and I stay home with all of our babies.  Being a stay-at-home mama can be tough at times, but its SO worth it!  I love watching them learn and grow.  It is such a blessing!  But the pay, well.... lets just say my paycheck is in the form of hugs & kisses and "I-Love-You-Mama's"... which doesn't leave much for any frills.  That's where my creative side was born.
        I have always loved the holidays and home décor and flowers and pretty food and matching outfits for all my babies and *sigh* all that good stuff.... but MAN, is it expensive!!! Instead of getting discouraged,  I hit the internet and searched out EVERY tutorial I could get my hands on!! Before long I was making that fabulous wreath I only dreamed of owning with a mesh wreath tutorial from Kristen's Creations.  All of my friends and family wanted one too, so I got busy!! And I felt encouraged and inspired!

And its just snowballed from there!  I've taught myself so much from hand-painting and sewing to making little girl's hair bows and gardening!  (I even learned to make homemade bread and noodles!)

 Everyone was asking me to make them some of my creations, so I worked up the courage to create a Facebook page Sass & Frills, and now I'm sharing my work with people all over!!!
      Since so many blogs helped me with all of their wonderful tips and tutorials, I really wanted to share my journey with others out there that may want to decorate and have "all the frills" but can't afford the boutique prices!  It can seem overwhelming at times, and you may think you are not "crafty enough" to master the project, but if you have the will and perseverance, you can do ANYTHING another crafter has done! 
     So join me on my journey to learning the tricks and trades of master crafters, bakers, seamstresses, gardeners, & decorators!!!